Mary L. Gavin (2018) remarks that preventing kids from becoming overweight means making choices in the way your family eats and exercises, and how you spend time together. Helping kids lead healthy lifestyles begins with parents who lead by example. There are more and more women getting incorporated into the world of work. Lifestyle has become very hectic for both men and women, not being able to reach out everywhere. As a result, parents do not spend enough quality time with their children. A...
The magic of sleeping and resting There is a fear of giving the body too much rest and sleep, feeling this is wrong for the body and will make it lazy. Nevertheless, ghrelin is closely related to hunger, while leptin connects to the feeling of fullness and satisfaction. Lack of sleep has found to increase ghrelin levels, leading to the necessity to eat. But, what are ghrelin and leptin? Leptin, a hormone made by our fat cells, minimizes our appetite. Ghrelin, on the other hand, is a hormone...
Just as there is no single diet designed for all of us; there is not a specific or right way to exercise and train our body. However, many people enjoy their training with a certain type of music in the background, helping them feel motivated and wanting to give more of themselves. Music creates a "rhythm response" says Scientific American.