Posts tagged with "seniors"

Learning to age healthy
Health · 01. December 2024
Just because you are getting older does not mean you will have to face medical conditions or have a poor quality of life. What is important is to know how to age healthily. Aging well and gracefully does not mean that you will look like a teen or in your 20s but you will live with some fewer wrinkles and sagging.
Salud y deporte para mayores
Artículos en Español · 01. November 2019
A medida que uno envejece, mantener un estilo de vida activo puede ser más importante que nunca. Hacer ejercicio de manera regular no sólo ayuda a aumentar nuestra energía, si no que además nos ayuda a lidiar con síntomas relacionados con la enfermedad y el dolor. El ejercicio físico puede incluso ayudar a revertir algunos de los síntomas del envejecimiento. Pero el ejercicio no solo es bueno para el cuerpo, también es bueno para el estado de ánimo, para la mente y la memoria. Tanto si...

Health and fitness for seniors
Health · 01. June 2015
As you grow older, having an active lifestyle is even more important than ever before. Doing exercise on a regular basis can help you to boost energy and deal with symptoms of illness or pain. Physical exercise can even reverse some of the symptoms of aging. But not only exercise is good for your body, it is also good for your mood, mind and memory. Whether you are in good general health or even if you are having some illness condition, there are many ways of getting more active, improving your...