
How To Get Back In Shape After Christmas

Getting back in shape
Getting back in shape


So do you want to eat healthier and get back in shape after Christmas? For some people, this means learning how to trick themselves into working out more often. For other people, it means transforming their eating and fitness habits in order to lose some extra pounds/kg. Whether you are looking for a huge change in your life style or just few small changes, just follow the following tips to get back in shape as fast as possible.

Picture yourself in the future

Make a mental picture of how you want to look yourself in the future and go for it. Do not stop till you look exactly the way you want to become. Need motivation?

Get ready to workout

Best is to schedule your exercises in a way that fit into your daily routines. For example: you could either get all ready to workout right after you wake up in the morning or you could just get all ready to workout before you go back home after work. This way will force you to just do it, not having to take the time to get ready or make excuses not to do it.

Find out a workout you love

That way it does not feel like an obligation, rather it will be something that you will be excited to do. Try to start by something simple: a 30 minutes exercise or just 3 miles a day NO EXCEPTION. Making exceptions can be the beginning of the end. Here are some free workout ideas.

Food choices

Eat more fiber and lean protein. For example, have oatmeal for breakfast and salad for lunch or dinner. Here is the trick, eating the salad first will make your appetite go down. Also make sure to eat good sources of protein, focusing on foods with high a protein-to-calories ratio, like tuna, chicken or turkey.

Managing food portions

Portion control is super very important when you are trying to get back in shape. Knowing how to control your portions sizes is something that will allow you to eat better without sacrificing your lifestyle. This is as simple as making sure you choose reasonable portion sizes. More about Cutting down calories.

Create a healthy life style

Focus on creating a healthy lifestyle, not just a temporarily diet or workout routine. Learn how to eat healthy. Read the food labels on everything to be careful about what you eat. You can still eat some of your favourites foods, but with a limit. Once you start giving up everything which is not good for your health, all become an easy deal. It is not about prohibition, rather it is all about moderation. Also, force yourself to exercise regularly. And do not make excuses: You do not actually need going to the gym, you can do all at home.


Build a foundation

Cut out sugar drinks and fast food. Establish some easy goals that can make you successful at over a week or a couple of weeks. And once you accomplish that, then add another thing, and then another. Finally you will see that you were able to do more healthy things than unhealthy things, and you will feel great with yourself. That might guarantee that you will keep on doing that forever.

Sleep peacefully

You cannot eat healthy or stay motivated if you are really tired. Just set a bedtime and stuck to it. Setting a phone alarm is also good for creating a bedtime routine. Just unplug before bed and do not forget to put your phone in airplane mode not to get distracted and get a better sleep.

Share it

Sometimes working out alone can make you feel like you are sacrificing your social life, choosing between working out or hanging out, but if you workout together with friends, this can help you out to stay motivated or establishing new challenges. Even if you can not actually physically workout together with someone, sharing with friends your workout challenges or achievements can seriously help you out a lot. Also, try to use social media to find cheerleaders and to hold yourself accountable. Join us on Facebook

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Important notice

This Online Personal Trainer's approach is recommended for healthy adults only. This site is not intended for use by minors or individuals with any type of health condition. Such individuals are specifically advised to seek professional medical advice prior to initiating any fitness or nutrition effort or program.

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