Posts tagged with "Fitness"

virtual personal trainer weight loss motivator app
Weight loss · 01. July 2024
The right amount of body fat is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. However, carrying too much body fat is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and cancer, and having a small amount of body fat can also be risky. The general body fat % guidelines for men are: essential (2% to 5%), healthy (2% to 24%), and obese (more than 25%). For women, essential (10% to 13%), healthy (10% to 31%), and obese (more than 32%). In other words, there...
How to improve mental health
Health · 01. February 2024
Maintaining good brain health is essential for optimal functioning and overall well-being. While numerous factors contribute to brain health, adopting healthy habits plays a crucial role. In this article, we will explore the relationship between brain health and good habits, with a focus on exercise. Discover how incorporating exercise into your routine can enhance cognitive function and learn about other healthy habits that promote brain health.

virtual personal trainer distance calorie app
New resolutions · 01. January 2024
As the New Year approaches, many of us are eager to embark on a journey toward a healthier lifestyle. Weight loss is a common goal, and with the rise of virtual personal training, achieving your weight loss objectives has never been more accessible. Here are some expert tips to help you kickstart your weight loss journey in the upcoming New Year.
tips to avoid weight gain during christmas
Weight loss · 15. December 2023
As mentioned in our previous article, gaining some weight during holidays it is common but this can compromise our health and make more difficult to go back on track later on. The former article focused on creating a pre-holidays nutrition mind set, the most important first step to this challenge. This article will tackle a few remaining adjustments aiming to succeed in our maintenance or weight loss goals during this coming holiday season.

virtual personal trainer distance calorie app
Weight loss · 01. July 2023
With the summer already here, it's time to kickstart your fitness journey and unveil your best summer body. The good news? You don't have to step foot in a crowded gym. Virtual Personal Trainer has emerged as a game-changer, offering tailored workouts, expert guidance, and the convenience of training from the comfort of your home.
virtual personal trainer weight checker app
Weight loss · 01. May 2023
Losing weight is a goal that many people have, but often the idea of cutting out certain foods or drastically reducing calorie intake can be daunting. Fortunately, there are ways to lose weight without having to stop eating altogether. Here are some tips to help you lose weight not only while eating a lot but also without sacrificing your favorite foods.

virtual personal trainer weight loss motivator app
Health · 01. March 2023
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in many countries, but there is still a lot you can do to prevent getting sick because of a lack of health care. Making time to take care of your heart should be practiced daily and it can be as easy as everything you do in a typical day. Giving your heart all the love t deserves on a daily basis should be at the top of your priorities. Find below some tips/tricks examples of how to easily take care of your heart.
virtual personal trainer weight checker app
Weight loss · 01. July 2022
It is summertime. Burning more calories than you eat, the so-called "calorie deficit", can help you lose weight. Thus, to achieve this goal, properly calculating a calorie deficit can help you decide how many calories you should eat and burn daily. How to Create a Calorie Deficit? You will simply have to eat fewer calories than you typically do, exercise more or, ideally, a combination of both strategies.

virtual personal trainer weight loss motivator app
Health · 01. June 2022
As the cases of the virus causing Monkeypox are expanding across the world and the scientific community still trying to understand what the cause might be, the current situation is raising concerns while bringing up the memories of early Coronavirus days. Although the World Health Organization says that Monkeypox is not likely to cause another pandemic, since a) it is not a recently discovered new virus, and b) it is not spreading at the same speed as COVID-19, you might be wondering ... how...
Meet the one click to health android app by Virtual Personal Trainer
Weight loss · 01. May 2022
A meal or workout log is a piece of writing or note using a notebook, software, web tool or a mobile app that can help you to keep track of your daily meals and/or training habits. The diary can also help you and your doctor understand your eating and physical habits in order to plan a proper health, fitness or weight loss plan. But most importantly, daily logs can allow you to achieve results quickly and also help you to manage and control your body weight in a long run.

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