The right amount of body fat is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. However, carrying too much body fat is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and cancer, and having a small amount of body fat can also be risky.
The general body fat % guidelines for men are: essential (2% to 5%), healthy (2% to 24%), and obese (more than 25%). For women, essential (10% to 13%), healthy (10% to 31%), and obese (more than 32%). In other words, there is a wide range of acceptability based on gender and body type.
Fast fat burning by workout

Aerobic exercise (lower intensity training: jogging, running, cardio) increases your endurance and cardiac health while anaerobic exercise (higher intensity training: weight training, calisthenic) will help you burn a bit less fat than the aerobic one but it will also help you gain lean muscle mass. If you are trying to lose weight faster, Virtual Personal Trainer recommends you to do it the most efficient way, that is, mostly focusing on aerobic exercise. However, if you are intending to gain muscle, the most efficient way is to concentrate on anaerobic exercise. Note: Most fitness trainers try to focus on only one type, aerobic or anaerobic exercises.
The science behind aerobic/anaerobic exercise (circuit training).
Fast fat burning by diet
- Eat Good Fats: Focus on eating "good" fats like polyunsaturated fats and limiting "bad" fats like trans fats.
- Battle sugar cravings: Avoid abusing sugars.
- Watch what you drink: Focus on water-enriched drinks, with hno sugar added.
- Eat more proteins and fibers: High-protein diets can help you lose body fat by promoting satiation (making you feel full), retaining muscle mass, and increasing thermogenesis (burning calories from digestion). And fibers help you feel full and are also good for gut health, reducing the risk of diabetes and certain types of cancers.
- Takes your time: It takes approx. 20 minutes for the average person’s gastrointestinal tract to tell the brain that it’s full.
Last but not least, sleep more
Studies have shown that adults who sleep less than 7 hours per day are more likely to have obesity compared to those who sleep at least 7 seven hours on a regular basis. Read more -> The importance of sleeping well
Virtual Personal Trainer's uniqueness
Our method's uniqueness comes from promoting a balance between both speed aerobic and anaerobic workouts (with short or no rest in between sets) for fast weight loss programs ... Try these fitness routines! ... with faster results if it is combined with some sort of food plan.... Lose weight for free now!
First Edition: Sept 2019
Do you want to be part of an experimental health program?
We encourage you to test what has been discussed on this blog by yourself and let us know about your experience, your progress and achievements in the comments section below. The results of these experimental program will be presented at international conferences and hopefully published in high impact medical and scientist journals. Your involvement and interaction as well as your contribution is important for us since the information and voluntary donations you provide will be further used for adapting, modifying and improving our programs.
Important notice
This Online Trainer approach is recommended for healthy adults only. This site is not intended for use by minors or individuals with any type of health condition. Such individuals are specifically advised to seek professional medical advice prior to initiating any fitness or nutrition effort or program.

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