We have a variety of very enriching teas that bring positivity to our body and mind. Among those, green tea is one of the best-known and most enjoyed teas in the world. Green tea is obtained from the leaves and buds of Camellia Sinensis but is has not subjected to the withering and oxidation process used to make other types of teas. Green tea is original from China, but its production and manufacture has been widely spread to other countries in Asia.
Contamos con una variedad de tés muy enriquecedores que aportan positivismo a nuestro cuerpo y nuestra mente. Entre otros, el té verde es uno de los tés más conocidos y disfrutados en el mundo. El té verde se obtiene de las hojas y los cogollos de Camellia Sinensis pero, en el caso del té verde, este no se ha sometido al proceso de marchitamiento y oxidación utilizado para elaborar otros tipos de tés. El té verde es originario de China, pero su producción y fabricación se ha...
Coffee, the mayor nature source of caffeine, is a wonderful natural energy drink with lots of physiological and pharmacological properties. Either if you are a coffee lover or you are under a muscle building or weight loss program, perhaps you should consider to empower your day/days by adding a good caffeinated drink to your daily routines. Tip: the average cup of filter coffee contains 140mg of caffeine compared with 100mg in instant coffee and only 75mg in tea. Caffeine is absorbed in the...