Posts tagged with "year2023"

tips to avoid weight gain during christmas
Weight loss · 15. December 2023
As mentioned in our previous article, gaining some weight during holidays it is common but this can compromise our health and make more difficult to go back on track later on. The former article focused on creating a pre-holidays nutrition mind set, the most important first step to this challenge. This article will tackle a few remaining adjustments aiming to succeed in our maintenance or weight loss goals during this coming holiday season.
virtual personal trainer weight loss calculator
Weight loss · 01. December 2023
It is common to gain some weight during any holiday season. We are, in general, eating any kinds of foods and much more than usually because we tend to socialize more, which give us less time to plan ahead. While it may be tempting to put healthy habits in the "waiting list" and get back on track after holidays, doing so can compromise our health or even making it more difficult to reach our maintenance or weight loss goals later on. With only a few adjustments, it is possible to maintain, or...

Carbohydrates and health
Nutrition · 01. November 2023
We still need carbs. Do not fear them. Instead, love them! Carbohydrates have been a fear factor in people's lives. I have heard a lot of statements such as "carbs make you fat", "carbs are not good after 7 pm", etc. It is truly sad to hear that the main fuel of our engine is being declined and eliminated from the diet. Our body works like a car. It requires a specific power and contribution to work and give the best of it. Our leading and most promising fuels are CARBOHYDRATES. The quality of...
The health benefits of cinnamon
Nutrition · 01. October 2023
We love cinnamon. It combines very well with any ingredient and in any dish. It is an ancient spice with a beautiful and special color, an aroma difficult to forget and a soft and delicate texture. It has been used mostly for culinary purposes because of the various benefits it brings along, as well as for the particular and unique trace it leaves.

The health benefits of honey
Nutrition · 01. September 2023
Honey is made by honey bees and other insects such as stingless bees. Bees produce honey by the regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation of plant secretions, or from secretions of other insects. But, most importantly, honey is well known as a natural remedy and a magical ally for human health. It is a natural sweetener that provides energy and strength to the body.
Virtual Personal Trainer's Benefits
Fitness · 18. August 2023
In today's digital age, the fitness industry is rapidly evolving thanks to the rise of virtual personal trainers. With advancing technology, individuals now have access to professional fitness guidance and personalized workouts from the comfort of their homes. This article delves into the exciting future of fitness by exploring the numerous benefits of working with a virtual personal trainer.

How Salt Intake Contributes to Weight Gain
Nutrition · 01. August 2023
Salt is arguably the most common seasoning in America and is used in a variety of foods. It is so prevalent that it is not at all uncommon for any given recipe to call for at least a pinch of salt. But while everyone knows that excessive salt intake can increase blood pressure, do people know how salt contributes to weight gain? The most minor form of weight gain comes from water absorption since salt naturally has high water retention. It can show up on the weight scale as a few extra pounds,...
distance calorie app by VPT
Weight loss · 01. July 2023
With the summer already here, it's time to kickstart your fitness journey and unveil your best summer body. The good news? You don't have to step foot in a crowded gym. Virtual Personal Trainer has emerged as a game-changer, offering tailored workouts, expert guidance, and the convenience of training from the comfort of your home.

men vs women exercises
Fitness · 01. June 2023
When it comes to working out, there is often a debate about whether men or women have the best workouts. However, the reality is that the best workouts for men and women can vary depending on their fitness goals and individual needs. Here are some factors to consider to compare men and women's workouts.
virtual personal trainer weight checker app
Weight loss · 01. May 2023
Losing weight is a goal that many people have, but often the idea of cutting out certain foods or drastically reducing calorie intake can be daunting. Fortunately, there are ways to lose weight without having to stop eating altogether. Here are some tips to help you lose weight not only while eating a lot but also without sacrificing your favorite foods.

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