Let's say you have an event coming up and you wish to lose weight quickly, well fortunately it is never too late. If you lose weight quickly, you are more likely to continue losing weight. It's highly motivating!!” Here’s a healthy and fast plan "nutritionist approved" that allows you to slim down and feel awesome for that upcoming event. Right after, you just need to keep it going.
Here is the right approach!!!
Set up a realistic weight goal
The recommendation is that you do not lose more than 2 pounds/1 kg in a week. If you get more aggressive than that, you may compromising your metabolism and you should have medical followup. So try to set a realistic goal for the time you have. If you have 2-3 weeks before your goal date, cool! Start by aiming 3-5 pounds (2-3kg) weight loss so that you start feeling awesome wearing your clothes. If you only have short time before the bid day, it is not the end of the world!!! you can still drop a few pounds/kg. Here is the app can can help you achieving this step.
Cutting calories
Next, do your numbers. Find out how many calories you really need, and reduce till you reach that number. You will probably have to cut 500-750 calories per day, in order to lose 1-2 pounds (0.5-1 kg) per week. Here is how to do easy easily and almost automatically. Just make sure you do not go below the minimum recommended for your body needs: 1200 calories per day for women, or 1500 for men. Read more on how to cut down calories.
Where to cut?
Also, keep in mind that of course where those calories come from makes a big difference. Here is how to do it the healthy way:
- a) Cut/remove the added sugar. Sugar is not only high calories, it causes diabetes.
- b) Cut salt. Sodium helps your body hang onto water, which is why it makes you full and heavy. Cut down processed foods, which contribute 75% of sodium in an average diet. Much salt also rise your blood pressure.
- c) Cut alcohol, it is only empty calories and strongly undermines weight loss, switch to water or coffee/tea.
What to eat / drink?
Great! now you know that you have to cut back on beers and ice creams, so what can you eat?
- a) Drink lots and lots of water! Aim for 2-3 litters per day.
- b) Eat lots of fruits and veggies. They are low caloric plus they are full of fibber, antioxidants, vitamins and and water that will fill you up.
- c) Drop grains: they high carbohydrates and they are stored as fats later. Keep portions small and time them early in the day.
- d) Watch the size: say no to the super size request in McDonalds. Try to get familiar with the right size. E.g. one standard cup size of cooked rice should be enough for one meal. More here
Working out?
oh yeah! but if you are a beginner, Do not go crazy! better step by step. During the first week, get 20-30 minutes of walking every day. By the second week, go walk 30-60 minutes/day. By the third week, once you are a master in choosing the right portions, this is the moment you can complement your aerobic work out with a couple of anaerobic workouts.
What is next?
Now that you got your goal done, I'll be honest to you, I care even more about what you are eating the day after the event, not to mention the following weeks and months. Really, believe it or not this is the most important part. So right now go and reset your weight goal, start from the beginning. Check in with your mindset and motivation. Because now that you looking yourself great, it is should not be the end goal! Staying fit and reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is really about your long term health and happiness.
So now that you master the whole process, keep the good job going and try to make it a new live style, make of yourself a new healthy and fit you!!.
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Important notice
This Online Personal Trainer's approach is recommended for healthy adults only. This site is not intended for use by minors or individuals with any type of health condition. Such individuals are specifically advised to seek professional medical advice prior to initiating any fitness or nutrition effort or program.
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