You might be wondering, why for some people is quite difficult to lose weight while other people might find it not so complicated and some might even have a tendency to lose weight naturally. The reason behind this seems to be located in an area of the hypothalamus known as Lipostat, so-called "the Lipostat theory".
Think of this like a little “chip” implanted in our brain, which is in charge of controlling our body weight.
What is Lipostat?
The Lipostat acts like a natural “device” in charge of setting a defined weight for every one of us. The way it works is by regulating food intake and altering the appetite. This process is controlled by ~20 different human genes that are responsible for about 50% of the body weight. This leaves environmental factors as the remaining part which is responsible for increasing, maintaining or decreasing our body weight.
Thus, an effective weight loss can be as simple as changing our daily food and activity habits. However, the negative effects of bad implemented living styles for the Lipostat may last forever if non-healthy regular habits are maintained over long periods of time.
However, introducing good healthy habits such as promoting the consumption of good foods and increasing physical activity, can stop and even reverse the negative effects of long-term bad habits.
Is there a way to reprogram the Lipostat?
yes, indeed!
Virtual Personal Trainer has clinically demonstrated that a prompt introduction of proper healthy habits such as promoting the consumption of good foods and increasing physical activity, can stop and even reverse the negative effects of long-term implemented so-called bad habits.
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